Si9000e Field Solver capacitance options

Si9000e Field Solver capacitance options
00:00 Introduction
00:27 SI9000e models inductance first over frequency
00:38 Three techniques available to model Capacitance
01:23 Extended Substrate Data control
01:50 Constant Er / TanD – capacitance versus frequency
01:56 Causally Extrapolate Er / TanD - capacitance versus frequency
02:30 Multiple Er / TanD – Tables
02:49 Part 2 Extended Substrate Data tables explanation
04:03 Library functionality explained
05:40 Larger capacity library from v20.03
06:04 Using Export / Import of material tables or complete library
06:23 Export as CSV, EST or ESL
06:36 Using Export / Import with Excel
07:05 Using Export / Import to share Library with other users
07:17 Summary
07:31 Contact details