Speedstack PCB stackup design and documentation

Speedstack PCB stackup design and documentation
00:00 Introduction
00:23 Loss Tangent field now available in the Material Library
00:52 Loss Tangent can now be exported to Excel
01:08 Improvements to the Column widths
01:28 Online library being updated to include Loss Tangent data
01:41 On-Premise mode enhancements make it more robust
01:59 Stack Up editor Enhancements – support for Loss tangent
02:13 Extract Dielectric Constant and Loss Tangent from the stack or enter manually
02:48 Comprehensive roughness modelling – including Smooth, Hammerstad, Groisse and Huray / Cannonball–Huray
03:22 Causal modelling of the copper losses from Speedstack 2019 onwards
03:36 Added Loss Tangent in Virtual Material mode for the base and solder mask materials
04:03 Example of a completed virtual material stack
04:18 Copy and Paste parameters from Speedstack into Si9000e improved
04:57 Four new Drill / Via Fill Types added
05:24 Stack-up showing the four new Drill / Via Fill Types
05:33 Print-out report showing the four new Drill / Via Fill types
06:25 Contact details