Speedstack 2016 significantly enhances layer and impedance structure editing
1. Speedstack 2016 is set for a January release, and
includes a long awaited enhancement which
allows layer editing whilst preserving impedance
structure information. If you use Speedstack
you will experience a far simpler process for
adding / removing layers whilist keeping as
much impedance information as possible.
As a side effect impedance structures can
now also be edited and reallocated on new
layers with a few simple clicks of the mouse..
This Powerpoint gives you a comprehensive
In addition - Speedstack 2016 is tested and compatible
with Windows operating systems through to Windows 10.
2. Whilst you are updating your Polar software -
CGen PCB and CGen Si impedance and insertion loss
coupon generators are also updated with a number
of minor fixes and enhancements - these are shipping
now at version 15.11
This is probably the last Polar news of 2015 - so I would
like to share best wishes from the team at Polar with you
for an enjoyable 2016.