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T3000 (Now out of production*)

For information only - ASA Tester

*Limited quantities may be available from some distributors please contact Polar for information. Nearest equivalent in production is PFL760

Fast cost-effective troubleshooting on analog and digital boards with power-off

  T3000 ASA Tester









The Service Manager's job gets harder every day!

PCB's become more complex and varied. Documentation is inadequate (or non-existent) and skilled service technicians are harder to find.

Despite these seemingly insurmountable difficulties, you are asked to provide faster and faster turn-around time to keep the customer satisfied.

If boards could be repaired more quickly and efficiently, even using less experienced personnel, would your job be a little easier? Of course it would, and your facility would save time and money as well.

The T3000 is specifically designed to address these problems:

  • Easier to use, even by semi-skilled operators.
  • Suitable for testing all types of electronic components.
  • Allows troubleshooting undocumented boards and circuits.
  • Provides automatic GOOD/BAD comparison against good components.
  • Automatically displays faults, with PASS/FAIL indication.

Troubleshoot Unpowered boards

Powering a faulty circuit board may not be safe, or even possible. Functional ATE systems and conventional general purpose test equipment such as oscilloscopes and DVMs can only be used on powered boards. In addition, considerable knowledge of the circuit and good documentation are required in order to use them. The T3000 is designed to troubleshoot components on unpowered boards.

How does it work?

The T3000 applies a voltage and current limited AC test signal to the device under test, and displays the resultant dynamic impedance signature for that component. Autoranging selects the best drive range for optimum display and leaves the operator's hands free to probe the circuit.

Integral Scanner for Testing ICs

Test Clips are provided for quickly connecting and testing ICs. The T3000 automatically determines the number of pins to be tested, and the operator can scroll pin by pin or automatically scan all pins in sequence. In comparison mode, a second Test Clip is connected to the same IC on a good board and the T3000 automatically scans both IC's, stopping at any pin where the difference exceeds a user-adjustable threshold.

Test Transistors, SCRs, Triacs and Opto devices

The Pulser feature permits functional testing of three-terminal devices such as transistors and SCR's. Connecting the Pulser to a transistor's base, FET gate or SCR will display how conduction of the device is controlled.

Test all types of device

Examining the analog signature permits all types of device to be evaluated - analog, digital, electromechanical, etc. Looking at the analog signature is a valid way of testing digital IC's, since the majority of IC defects found are associated with their inputs and outputs, e.g. open and short circuits, open or leaky protection diodes, static-damaged lines etc. This approach is often the only suitable way of testing complex or custom IC's for which the user has no documentation.

Standard Accessories

Operator Manual, Pair of probes, pair of 16 way and 40 way IC Test Clips.

Power Requirements

200-250V or 100-130V at 50/60Hz, 35VA