CITS Probe Verification
Application Note AP8524 
 CITS Probe Verification using the Polar ACC450 test fixture


CITS880s software has an inbuilt Probe Verification feature that can be used to quickly test the functionality and accuracy of a Polar CITS probe This feature makes use of the ACC450 test fixture available to be purchased from your local Polar Office.


Here is a quick guide on how to use this feature.

Open the CITS880s application and with the CITS test system connected allow it to complete a warm up period of 20 minutes.
Open CITS880s | Utilities | Probe Verification the following menu will be displayed :-

Select the test you wish to perform under the Result column, multiple tests can be selected by using the Windows Ctrl key when making the selections. Connect the probe(s) to the ACC450 test fixture and then click Test.
The application will then perform the test and display a Pass (green tick) or Fail (red X) alon side the selected test.



If you select the Append generated tests to Current testfile on Exit check box, then when the dialog box is closed all the tests are transferred back to the CITS880s current test file with the test results for the tested probes included.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss this applciation note further then please contact your local Polar Office.