Controlled Impedance Test Systems Calibration & Flex Licences
Application Note AP8526 

Controlled Impedance Test Systems Calibration & Flex Licences v24.9.9.00 and up – service centre information

Polar Controlled Impedance Test Systems Calibration & Flex Licences v24.9.9.00 and later support two calibration interfaces which are controlled by licence type.

As of the above the licences recognized by the CITS and their respective Calibration support are:

FlexLM Feature Serial number support Licence type Comments


Locked to CITS serial number.

Standard user licence

No calibration support


Not locked to CITS serial number hardware

Standard universal licence

No calibration support


Locked to CITS serial number.

Standard user licence with ACC453Cal

At the end of a successful calibration the Cal Due date will be set to one year from ‘now’.

Usually time limited to One Month to allow the user to complete the calibration using the ACC453 Cal unit

No support for changing the hardware serial number.


Supports any serial number hardware

At the end of a successful calibration the Cal Due date will be set to a ‘Deferred State’ – the Cal Due date will be set upon the next startup that encounters a standard CITS880s (AKA customer level) licence feature

Licence for Polar Accredited Calibration Centres

Has a warning on startup that a Super User licence is in use.

This licence also includes a step to enable the unit serial number to be changed.


PRC 22/10/24