CITS880s MAX-MIN test function
Application Note AP8527                


When performing a test using the CITS880s you can specify limits as to where a test would be marked as FAIL if the test values exceeded those limits. 

 Additional, to the test limits described in AP8511 a limit can be placed such that a test will fail if the difference between the test MAX and MIN values exceeds a set value. 

 The implication here is that a test may PASS if all test values fall between the MAX and MIN values set but FAIL if the difference between the MAX and MIN (MAX-MIN) values exceeds a preset value. 


In the following example a test coupon is being measured and without the MAX-MIN being enabled the coupon PASS’s the test
(for illustration purposes we have included the test coupon injection point at the start of the test but this would normally fall outside of the tested area).

Enabling the MAX-MIN at 5 ohms produces a FAIL result as the difference between these values exceeds the set value.