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Choosing the best license model for your Polar software
Contact polarcare@polarinstruments.com for licensing information - Updated 2024
Which is the best license for me? Whether you are an interconnect designer needing occasional use of a field solver for impedance calculation, an OEM designer needing fast and accurate impedance calculation, or a PCB fabricator interested in maximizing yield, Polar has a license option tailored to your requirement. Please read the following notes to find which is the best choice for you. |
License duration |
Annual licenses Are the default license types offering built in Polarcare maintenance and the chance to add or change entitlement at each renewal anniversary. Fixed full license A limited subset of licenses are available with a full fixed license. These require annual reactivation and Polarcare is sold separately, full license pricing and type availability is by request. |
License access – valid from 1 July 2016 |
Node locked license The simplest choice gives access to one user on one PC; this license grant is activated with a license file which is locked to the PC's MAC address. (A node locked license does not permit use by remote access or thin clients. If you wish to operate in either of these situations see below.) Portable license (annual only) A portable USB key locked license is ideal if you need to take your Polar software out of the office. This license is popular with PCB fabrication Sales / Application engineers who can use it on the road when meeting clients. Reminder: standard licensing conditions still apply – the product may not be loaned or shared with other individuals or entities. Floating 1-concurrent user 5-node license "1/5 License" (Formerly 5/1 – renamed Jan 2018 for clarity). A floating license suits companies and organizations with multiple users who need occasional use and are prepared to share the one concurrent use between a group of up to five nominated users one PC at a time. A 1/5 floating license may be floated to the entity's subsidiary and group companies within the country in which it is licensed; however, each concurrent user license may be shared by up to 5 defined user PCs (nodes) only. Each additional concurrent license allows sharing over an additional 5 nodes. The number of nodes can be increased as a chargeable upgrade. Thin client / remote access – updated October 2020 – see below for virtualised servers If you need access through a remote client or thin client environment the "1/5" style license permits this usage under the same 1/5 (1 concurrent user shared across 5 nominated nodes one at a time) access terms. If you wish to use this facility please ask for it to be enabled when your license is issued. Please note that for thin client / remote access licenses Polarcare is an ongoing requirement |
Enterprise license access – valid from 1 July 2021 |
The legacy Enterprise license is withdrawn and replaced by four new wide area network (WAN) license types:
1. Enterprise Country WAN Enterprise Country WAN Each Enterprise Country WAN seat will serve unlimited wide area network node PCs, one PC at a time, within the country where the server is located when connected through a secure network connection. Usage is limited to the employees* of the licensing entity and its subsidiaries. EMMA Enterprise Country WAN - Flexible economic model for multi seat deployments. An EMMA style license grant has the same scope of use as the Enterprise country wan described above, However EMMA licenses allow you to change the number of seats activated between 1 and 4 at a significant saving over traditional license models. There is a single upfront EMMA activation fee which entitles you to discounted annual seat pricing, and the entitlement lasts for as long as you renew at least 1 seat per year. Enterprise Annual Continental WAN Each Enterprise Continental WAN seat will serve unlimited wide area network connected PCs, one PC at a time, within the continent where the server is located when connected through a secure network connection. Usage is limited to the employees* of the licensing entity and its subsidiaries. Enterprise Annual Global WAN Each Enterprise Global WAN seat will serve unlimited global wide area network PCs, one PC at a time, where the license server is connected through a secure network connection. Usage is limited to the employees* of the licensing entity and its subsidiaries. * Employees are defined as employees of the entity at the time of the license grant, and those routinely hired post license grant. Employees joining the organization through merger or acquisition are not covered under this license agreement. Temporary staff and contractors or subcontractors are not covered by this agreement. Note: WAN is defined as a secure wide area corporate network. This license grant does not permit sharing over the public internet. |
License server information |
Floating licenses Floating licenses are served from a license server which is typically (though not always) separate from the client software installation. The license server is licensed to the MAC address of the server itself. For 5/1 style licenses the server license activation file will also contain the MAC addresses of the permitted clients. License server environments Server side licenses are available for both Microsoft Windows and most Linux server side environments please have your information systems management call to discuss. Triad Enterprise license For enterprise customers requiring maximum license uptime the triad redundant license option is available. Virtualised license server environments – updated October 2020 – see above for thin client / remote access Polar currently offers support for VMWare and Microsoft Hyper-V virtualised FlexNet license server environments as a chargeable option. Please contact your local office if you wish to run Polar FlexNet license server side software in a virtualised environment. Please note that for virtualised server licenses Polarcare is an ongoing requirement |
Legacy enterprise license – valid until 30 June 2016 |
Enterprise license – information only Enterprise licenses are floating licenses for use within a business entity without node restrictions. Should you require access from your subsidiary companies Polar may grant concessions on enterprise licenses to permit this – subject to local regulation and export licensing conditions. Please contact your Polar sales office if you are a corporate tools department and require this level of flexibility. |
The legal part and other information |
FlexNet Publisher Polar software and equipment uses Revenera FlexNet Publisher for license management. Software Licensing Conditions (applies to all types of license) Software is licensed to an individual or entity for use under the terms of the license type. The license is non-transferable, and may not be loaned, shared or distributed by the licensee. The licensee is the individual or organisation to which the license is issued and does not include sub-contractors, subsidiaries, joint ventures or group companies. Issuing of License Files License activation files are issued annually and are automatically reissued when your Polarcare or annual license agreement is renewed. If Polarcare has lapsed, your license activation file is available at your request. For further information please refer to the product’s EULA in combination with your quotation and purchase order. Contact polarcare@polarinstruments.com for licensing information |