Multi–user usage of Speedstack, Si8000m, Si9000e, CGen software
Application Note AP551 

 Multi-user usage of Speedstack, Si8000m, Si9000e and CGen software


In some instances it is useful to have multiple configurations of Polar products on the same Windows PC or server. This is especially useful when multiple users share the same Windows PC as they might have different user preferences in terms of colours, print settings, default parameter values, units and licensing add-on options.

Under Windows, each user who logs into Windows gets created their own profile directory e.g. "C:\Users\<user id>**".
This is true if the user logs on locally to a Windows machine or if they access it remotely using a remote client like RDP / MSTSC, Citrix etc.

Polar utilises this functionality so that each user can have their own configuration & setup defaults within the following suite of Polar software :-

  • Speedstack
  • Si8000m
  • Si9000e
  • CGen

These parameters are stored within the users Profile similar to the following path:–

  • C:\Users\<user id>**\AppData\Roaming\Polar

then under a folder for each of the Polar products as per the following screen shot.

** Note <user id> should be replaced with the account name used to login to Windows.