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Si9000 screen areas

The Si9000 is divided into the following areas:

Menu/Toolbar – containing all the Si9000 commands and structure range select buttons

Structure Bar – displaying available structures within the selected range

Structure Graphic – displaying the selected structure; select the parameter by clicking on the parameter "hot-spot"

Lossless calculation

Calculation Interface – displaying structure parameters/tolerances and calculation/goal-seeking results

Calculation Options – allowing the user to select parameter units, standard or extended inteface style and goal seeking convergence (see Field solving for board parameters)

Frequency-dependent calculation

Frequency-dependent Calculation Interface – displaying frequency-dependent and structure parameters

Frequency-dependent Result Graph And Tables – displaying frequency-dependent results in graphical and tabular form



Structure Bar

Structure graphic

Calculation Interface

Calculation Options

Frequency-dependent Calculation Interface

Frequency-dependent Result Graph And Tables

Creating a custom list of structures

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