Testing, modeling and documentation for impedance control and insertion loss

Insertion loss modeling and PCB signal integrity – 3GHz and above

Polar's product suite for insertion loss modeling, PCB stackup design and PCB signal integrity is designed for OEMs and fabricators who are concerned with PCBs running at speeds where insertion losses need to be managed. Typically, these run in the 3 to 50GHz arena, though the Si9000e is also capable of modeling right down to the KHz range in support of the broadest band of transmission line signalling.

Impedance controlled PCBs – up to 3GHz

Polar's interconnected tools for impedance controlled PCBs are designed for OEMs and fabricators who are concerned with PCBs running in the popular 100MHz to 3GHz region, especially those with applications where signal reflection rather than insertion loss is the main criteria from a signal integrity perspective.

Polar Signal Integrity product overview Can't view the video? Click here

 PCB Signal Integrity and insertion loss testing, modeling and documentation
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Si9000 lossy line field solver

Si9000e –  PCB insertion loss field solver

Speedstack Si

Speedstack Si – Insertion loss & impedance PCB stackup design including Si9000e

LA9000 screen

Atlas Si for Touchstone – PCB Insertion loss processing with Delta-L 4.0

Converts short and long line .s4p files with Delta-L 4.0 for analysis with Si9000e. For Si engineers & PCB technologists.


CGen Coupon Generator

CGen Si – Insertion loss test coupon generator – SPP, SET2DIL, SET2SEIL

Atlas Si for Touchstone –  Insertion loss processing system – Atlas Si for Touchstone® PCB insertion loss Delta-L 4.0 processing for Si engineers


Atlas Si for VNA –  Limited availability – Insertion loss test system – Delta-L 4.0 differential insertion loss test to 43.5GHz

Supports Anritsu ShockLine™ MS46524B and VectorStar™ MS4647B

Atlas screen

Atlas Si for TDR* –  Insertion loss test system – Delta-L, Delta-L+, SPP, SET2DIL, SET2SEIL

*For existing Tektronix DSA8300 / 80E04 customers

 Modeling, documentation and test for lossless impedance controlled PCBs
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Si8000 field solver

Si8000m – PCB impedance field solver

Speedstack PCB stackup layer design

Speedstack PCB – Speedstack / Si8000m for controlled impedance PCB stackup

Speedstack Coupon Generator

CGen PCB  – Controlled impedance test coupon generator


CITS880s – Controlled impedance test for lossless transmission lines

IPDS probes

Polar test probes – IPDS fixed and variable pitch probes designed for the CITS880s

Atlas screen

Atlas PCB – Polar Impedance test software for Tektronix DSA8300


EPD100 – PCB track equipotential viewer (free educational utility)

 PCB Stackup tools
Speedstack PCB

Speedstack – PCB layer stackup design and high quality documentation

Speedflex HDI

Speedstack HDI – HDI PCB stackup design and documentation

Speedflex flex-rigid

Speedstack Flex – Flex-rigid PCB stackup design and documentation

 Si Options
Si Crosstalk – Multiline and differential pair (lossless) crosstalk option for Si8000m/Si9000e
Excel Interface

Si Excel Interface – Microsoft Excel® interface option for lossless calculations in Si8000m/Si9000e

Crosshatch config

XFE – Crosshatch Flex Enhancement option for Si8000m and Si9000e field solvers


Si Projects – Enables saving sets of user-defined controlled impedance structures


Si TRC – Track Resistance Calculator calculates DC series resistance of PCB tracks

XML XML Interface Module – OEM access to the Si8000m / Si9000e field solvers
 PCB Troubleshooting and paperless repair
Toneohm 950

Toneohm 950A – Locate and repair short circuits with unique ground plane short capability