Product information
CITS880s & TRC Plus – accurate
measurements on fine line traces

Si8000m / Si9000e Field Solver – differential pair crosstalk

Si9000e graphing, roughness goal seek, sensitivity analysis projects, trace resistance vs temperature

Si8000m / Si9000e Monte Carlo impedance simulation
Webinar Nov 2020 – Introduction to Insertion Loss

Atlas Delta-L PCB Insertion Loss Test System
CGen PCB Impedance and Insertion loss Coupon Generator
Atlas for Anritsu ShockLine™ Delta L 4.0 Eigenvalue Insertion Loss Test
CITS880s – Controlled Impedance
Test System

Speedstack PCB stackup design and documentation

Find ground plane shorts with the
Toneohm 950 multi-layer short
circuit locator

Si9000e graphing, roughness goal seek, sensitivity analysis projects, trace resistance vs temperature
How to...
Anatomy of a PCB impedance test
Create impedance coupons efficiently with Speedstack & CGEN
Create impedance coupons with Si8000m / Si9000e & CGEN
CITS880s – getting started with controlled impedance testing
Inserting controlled impedance tests with the CITS880s Setup Wizard
Data logging with the CITS880s Controlled Impedance Test System
Si8000m / Si9000e – importing measurement impedance from CITS

Si8000m / Si9000e Field Solver – differential pair crosstalk

Si8000m – how to compare measured with modeled impedance

Removing DC trace resistance errors from characteristic impedance measurements

Si9000e – compare modelled insertion loss with VNA measurement

Using Speedstack Virtual Material
and Material Library modes |

Downloading Polar Speedstack
online material libraries

Aligning flex and rigid materials in the Speedstack Navigator

Using CGen PCB Coupon Generator with mixed layer types
Si8000m / Si9000e
Coming soon....

Spotting and solving alias effects in s-parameters

Si8000m – getting started with controlled impedance modelling

Si8000m / Si9000e – getting started with sensitivity analysis

Si8000m – sensitivity analysis – exploring the process window

Si8000m / Si9000e Monte Carlo impedance simulation

Si9000e Field Solver capacitance options

Si8000m / Si9000e Field Solver – differential pair crosstalk

Si9000e – compare modelled insertion loss with VNA measurement

Si9000e graphing, roughness goal seek, sensitivity analysis projects, trace resistance vs temperature
Speedstack PCB

Speedstack PCB stackup design and documentation

Working with Polar Speedstack
library material partners

Downloading Polar Speedstack
online material libraries

IPC2581 import/export
Using on-premise material libraries

Back drilling PCBs for
signal integrity

Adding IPC class
documentation in Speedstack

Speedstack – Import/export options and Net classes
Speedstack documents
shield materials

Speedstack PCB Filtering Options
Speedstack Si

Speedstack Si 2018 Intro - plus Cannonball-Huray enhancement

Fine tuning PCB stackups
with Si Projects

Speedstack Si – loss modelling and new via fill types

Speedstack-Si9000e insertion loss – roughness modelling
Speedstack Flex

Design and document flex-rigid stackups with Speedstack Flex

Selecting multiple materials in
Speedstack Flex

Documenting a flex-rigid stack with diagonal symmetry

Aligning flex and rigid materials in the Speedstack Navigator
Speedstack HDI

Documenting sequential lamination
in Speedstack HDI

Adding coated and uncoated microstrips in Speedstack HDI

Adding unlimited drills with
Speedstack HDI